Monday, April 05, 2004

An Amazing Night!

Aqueous' gathering Saturday night was simply awesome! The whole evening I felt slightly off-kilter (partly cause I forgot that I was scheduled for worship, so I went up cold, with no warm-up and no level-checking...whoops!). I think God wanted me a little un-with-it, though. I like feeling like I am as on top of things as I can be, and tend to beat myself up when I am not. But I think that that off-balance feeling made me ready for the rest of the night. It really allowed God to move in ways beyond ourselves.

Towards the end of the worship set, Pastor Billy opened up time for people to share what God placed on their hearts to share with everyone. My monitor wasn't very loud, so I couldn't quite hear what everyone said, but I definitely heard what God was telling me. A lot of what was said God had been speaking to me already lately. But as people were talking, I felt God telling me to share a song I had written that afternoon.

It was kind of an interesting thing, because I haven't really written any songs for a while, but my musical creativeness had been stirring in me, and the words just came to me. Then I went to my piano and just sorta jammed out chords and a melody.

Going back to the Gathering, I told Pastor Billy that I felt God wanted me to share the song, so he told me he wanted me to be last, even though he had no idea what the lyrics were or anything. So I went to get my journal and brought it back up.

I was kinda nervous, but I know I would have regretted not doing it. God totally gave me a chance to step out of my comfort zone and take a risk. So I sang the song a cappella and let God do with it what he will. I may never know if anyone was impacted by it, but I know I was obedient, and that is all I can do.

But I am really glad that I had the guts to step up and be obedient, even though it was a bit nerve-wracking.

I really hope God has more for me as far as music goes. I absolutely love it, especially sharing it with others. I feel the most in my element when I am singing and/or playing piano (not that I am very great at piano yet).

So yeah, it was an awesome night :-)


PS: I'll post the lyrics later.

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