Monday, April 12, 2004

On the edge...

I feel like at this point in my life, I am on the edge of this big cliff, and I can't see what is at the bottom. It could be something awesome, it could be something that will hurt, but either way, it will be honoring to God. I don't want to be a slave to the comforts of this world, the security of a job for the rest of my life, even though that's a false sense of security.

If I stay back, I will be enslaved to the aforementioned comfort and security, as well as the expectations certain people place on me. And I am beginning to think that the things holding me back from taking the risk, from jumping off the cliff and seeing what God does with my life, are not from God. That he is encouraging me to take the leap of faith, trusting that he will take care of my every need, that he has my life in his hands. That what I discover when I jump, could be way beyond my imagination.

I learned in my business 101 class that the higher the risk, the higher the loss, or the reward.

Do I want to play it safe and conservative, and possibly not gain as much, but not risk losing as much? Or do I want to risk it all and possibly gain way more than I could fathom?


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