Friday, May 28, 2004

Beauty in the ordinary

Yesterday, I headed in the general direction of home after enjoying watching the sunset from the top of Elings Park off Las Positas.

I realized that there is so much beauty in the ordinary things of life, yet so often we miss them. I almost feel as if that odd mood I was in just sorta opened my eyes a bit.

It's as if I get so used to walking through life in a fog, that I don't even realize I am in a fog, because it is just what I am used to. But then the Sun peeks through the clouds, and my soul remembers that there is more. I see the beauty around me, the beauty of every day that so often gets missed as I bustle through life. I see the beauty of a streetlight pole framing the mountains behind. I see the beauty hiding in plain sight, just behind the manmade. I see the beauty in a hydrant poking out of a bed of flowers, the combination of natural creation and human creation inspired by God.

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